Das Spiel reagiert nicht auf mein Instrument (Blocklöfte, Drumsticks, etc). Es werden keine Noten erkannt!

Did you get an error message from the app when using the microphone? Then it could be that you have not yet allowed it to access the microphone of your device. The app will ask you for this permission the first time you start it. If you want to edit this setting later, go to System Preferences, select the app and enable microphone access. You can usually find this option under the menu items “Privacy” or “Permissions”. Don’t worry, our apps only use the microphone for sound recognition.

Wenn dies nicht Ursache des Problems war, könnte es auch an der Auswahl des Mikrofons liegen.

In Windows and Mac OS, check that your microphone is working and is selected as the default microphone (Note: You may even be able to select the appropriate microphone within the app, even if you don’t have the default microphone set in your System Preferences).

In Windows, right-click on the volume icon in the system tray (lower right corner of the screen), click on “Open sound settings” and select the default input device. You can get better results by activating filters (“Enhancements”), because the mute background noise.
Under macOS you can make these settings here: System Settings > Sound > and here under Input select your >Input Device>.

Um zu sehen ob dein Mikrofon überhaupt funktioniert, überprüfe es anhand des Pegel-Ausschlags, indem du einfach Geräusche erzeugst (unter Windows sollte ein grüner, unter macOS ein grauer Balken erscheinen).